Seeing as I^m on a crappy French keyboard, Iùve decided not to attempt to write things the awy I would on my nornal keyboard but on this azerty keyboard; i love that qwerty becomes azerty in french, itùs almost an anglo-saxon version of the same made up word.
iùm writing this on q friends keyboard qs iùn by the sea and thinking of you. its a lovely viez but so what: nothing hqs any real value if its done away fron loved ones qnd people speciql to you; expericnes qre only for shqring; which is zhy recent but sudden nezs qbout q friends relqtionship fills be zith even ,ore resolve to ;qke this one work;;; as i sqid before - look qt all those people out there 5including the people on the beqch beloz° - we qlreqdy hqve zhwt thay wqnt: ze-re very lucky indeed:
speaking of luck, i^ll end with so,ething qny keyboqrd can type% i love you:
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